
DAY 1 : April 10, 2021

Session 1: Insights for East Africa from the Social Business Academia Network
Duration: 45 minutes
Time: 11.00-11.45 Harare; 15.00-15.45 Dhaka

Social Business Academia: Scopes, Challenges and Opportunities. Finding academic research areas of interest for East Africa. Identify ways of empowering youth through social business. 


Session 2: The Creative Industry of Africa for Youth Entrepreneurship
Duration: 45 minutes
Time: 12.15-13.00 Harare; 16.15-17.00 Dhaka

This panel will bring together social entrepreneurs in the creative industry, who are using their talent either to shine a light on important social and environmental topics in a captivating way; or supporting impact oriented initiatives through creative design services, consultations and communications.


Session 3: What effect the COVID pandemic had on Social Business in East Africa
Duration: 45 minutes
Time: 14.00-14.45 Harare; 18.00-18.45 Dhaka

Social businesses will share how their businesses were affected by COVID, and what they did to the tackle the crisis. Yunus Social Business team will share about the COVID relief provided and their view of the evolution of social businesses in the region.


Session 4: Social business and sport: the rise of Africa!
Duration: 45 minutes
Time: 15.15-16.00 Harare; 19.15-20.00 Dhaka

Africa is at a tipping point: the rapid demographic evolutions create a variety of socio-economic challenges to overcome. At the same moment, and for the same reasons, Africa is seen as a land of opportunities for business across the sectors. Africa is said become, in the next few years, the new promise land of the sport industry, which is structuring itself. How can we use the social business concept and the structuration of the African sport industry as an opportunity to solve social problems in East Africa and on the continent?


Session 5: Climate Action in East Africa
Duration: 45 minutes
Time: 16.30-17.15 Harare; 20.30-21.15 Dhaka

This session will focus on linking concrete projects to Climate Action in the East African context. We aim to provide insightful perspectives on sustainable and climate related projects to inspire and engage the audience. This can be in form of personal stories, concrete challenges faced, or the dedicated impact on climate change.


DAY 2: April 11, 2021


Session 6: 3Zeros Club
Duration: 45 minutes
Time: 8.30-9.15 Harare; 12.30-13.15 Dhaka

The 3ZERO Club, a new global initiative from Yunus Centre, is the culmination of Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus’ vision to create a World of Three Zeros - zero net carbon emissions, zero wealth concentration for ending poverty, and zero unemployment. The 3ZERO Club session is designed to introduce the concept to a wider group of audience and facilitate conversation between Professor Muhammad Yunus and a group of young social business activists from across the world who are taking actions, big or small, to make this dream come true, faster than it will otherwise happen.


Session 7: Building A Social Impact Ecosystem, at Scale
Duration: 45 minutes
Time: 9.45-10.30 Harare; 13.45-14.30 Dhaka

A sound social business ecosystem must be built for the growing youth population of the East African region which will enable East Africa to mobilize its youth potential to drive and nurture sustainable economic growth. Against the backdrop of such a status quo, it is essential to carry out dialogues and discussion with experienced stakeholders: entrepreneurs, enablers and investors who can offer valuable insights about the merit, attitude and aspiration of the East African youths with the aim of scaling social businesses.


Session 8: Health Care and Technology for East Africa
Duration: 45 minutes
Time: 14.00-14.45 Harare; 18.00-18.45 Dhaka

In this session, our panel will explore the current place, future potential, and challenges for technology to enhance health system capacity based on principles of social business and The Common Good. The panel will look at these issues both in general and in relation to two specific ‘technologies’ of mobile health clinics and vaccines against Covid-19.


Session 9: Potential of Microfinance in East Africa
Duration: 45 minutes
Time: 15.15-16.00, Harare; 19.15-20.00 Dhaka

Microcredit has been implemented around the world as a strategy to empower the poor and especially women to support income generating activities and take control of their own lives and livelihoods. Many microfinance institutions have been operating for many years in Africa. This session is intended to review the experience of microfinance in Africa and elsewhere and see the potential of expansion of microcredit for the region in coming years as a strategy for tackling poverty and unemployment among the youth.