9th Social Business Day

28-29 June, 2019 Centara Grand and Bangkok Convention Center at CentralWorld

Session: Panel 5: Youth Leadership in Social Business

This panel will discuss the current generation’s entrepreneurial abilities. The youth today are the most powerful of all generations as they are equipped with technology that did not exist before. They are the driving force of the world with their immense potential. They have immeasurable creativity and energy that can be harnessed into innovative business ideas and effective work ethics. With guidance in the right direction, the youth can turn unemployment into entrepreneurship. They start with and stay with their own drive and a unique vision. They use their personal passion to find ways to contribute to the world. There are hundreds of thousands of them finding their way in the new, seemingly barren job wilderness.

Young people today are the most powerful generation in history. They should be made aware of it. They should ask themselves the question: What use do we make this unbelievable power for? Should we make ourselves.


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