The Foundation for Yunus Social Business Taiwan hold the Yunus Social Business Incubation Seminar in Taichung, Taiwan

Profile Image fysbt 11/16/20, 8:37 AM

On Nov. 12, the Foundation for Yunus Social Business Taiwan (Taiwan Foundation) hold the “Yunus Social Business Incubation Seminar” in Taichung. It is the most important training for the local entrepreneurs of Yunus Social Business Alliance. Taiwan Foundation invited the International experts and representatives of industry, government and academia in the central region of Taiwan to discuss the international cases of social business.

In the Seminar, the Taiwan foundation invited the director of Yunus Center of AIT, Dr. Faiz Shah, the CEO of myHarapan Youth Trust Foundation, Nurfarini Daing and the general manager of Grameen Trust, Tasmina Rahman to share the case in their countries. Dr. Faiz share the Crab Bank of Thailand. It makes people to cherish the food resources and gives the crab a chance to grow up. And Ms. Nurfarini Daing share the social business case about solving the problem of stray cats in Malaysia. Finally, Ms. Tasmina take France's Danone as an example to illustrate that large companies invest in the establishment of a local social business Grameen Danone, which not only solves the problem of insufficient nutrition, but also provides local employment opportunities. Through case sharing, the participants know that Focusing on solving small problems is often the key to the beginning of all social business.

The chief People's Organization Section of Social Affairs Bureau Taichung City Government, Bi-Hui Liu, emphasize the importance of making good use of government resources, and provide multiple social welfare measures. The CEO of YSBC in National Taichung University of Science and Technology (the first Taichung University to establish YSBC), Daphne Tsai, actively promote teachers and students to support the social business alliance. And she supports the Taiwan Foundation to implement the Yunus spirit with actions.

The CEO of Foundation for Yunus Social Business Taiwan, Juno Wang, said that because of the remarkable results of Yunus social business system. Not only Thailand, Malaysia, and Bangladesh, but also other successful examples of changing societies around the world have sprung up. The president of Foundation for Yunus Social Business Taiwan, Philippa Tsai, sum up that the entrepreneur is the best learning expert. In addition to the business model, the financial thinking is also important. It can make the social business sustainable.

Related photos as following:

Photo describe: “Yunus Social Business Incubation Seminar” in Taichung, Taiwan.

Photo describe: The president, Philippa Tsai (The left one), and the CEO, Juno Wang (The right one), of Foundation for Yunus Social Business Taiwan take Photo with international experts, Dr. Faiz, Ms. Nurfarini Daing and Ms. Tasmina Rahman.

Photo describe: The local entrepreneurs of Yunus Social Business Alliance provide dessert in the break time.