First In-House Executive Design Lab

Profile Image gtt 3/19/15, 12:44 AM

On Sunday March 8, 2015, the first in-house executive design lab took place at the Grameen Telecom Trust premises.

 The meeting was chaired by Trustee of Grameen Telecom Trust & Managing Director of Grameen Shakti, Ms. Nurjahan Begum. Also present in the meeting were Ms. Parveen Mahmud, Managing Director of Grameen Telecom Trust, Ms. Saleha Begum, Managing Director of Grameen Shakti Samajik Byabosha Ltd., Mr. Md. Ehsanul Bari, Managing Director of Grameen Krishi Foundatiom, Mr. Abdul Hai Khan and GM of Grameen Trust along with Senior Management Team of Grameen Telecom Trust.

[NEWS_IMAGE] Twenty one Nobin Udyokta (NU) cases were presented in the executive design lab where NU’s from Thakurgoan, Kurigram, Gaibandha & Jessore participated in the event.