
Redesigning Economics to Redesign the World

Last Updated : 16th August, 2015

  Redesigning Economics to Redesign the World Muhammad Yunus Will the present economic system be able to establish appropriate level of moral, social, and material balance in the world? I don't think it can. The present system is like an impersonal sucking machine which thrives on continuously sucking juice from the bottom to the top. The higher you are in the system, the more juice you are able to suck. It is not because bad people are running the machine; just that the machine is bui...

How Legal Steps Can Help to Pave the Way to Ending Poverty

Last Updated : 29th August, 2016

How Legal Steps Can Help to Pave the Way to Ending Poverty By Muhammad Yunus Dr. Muhammad Yunus is founder and managing director of Grameen Bank in Dhaka, Bangladesh. He is the 2006 Nobel Peace Laureate (shared with Grameen Bank). There is no better time for a serious discussion of how the law and lawyers can enable the poor to help themselves—throughout the world, and especially in the United States. Right now, highly regulated banks in the developed world (many of ...

After the Savar Tragedy, Time for an International Minimum Wage

Last Updated : 30th August, 2016

Published on: theguardianDate: 12 May 2013 For Bangladeshis, the tragedy at the garment factory in Savar is a symbol of our failure as a nation. The crack that caused the collapse of the building has shown us that if we don't face up to the cracks in our own systems, we as a nation will get lost in the debris. Today, the souls of those who lost their lives in Rana Plaza are watching what we are doing and listening to what we say. The last breath of those souls surrounds us. Did we le...

Paris Has to End with a Firm Decision

Last Updated : 10th October, 2016

Author- Professor Muhammad YunusPublished on- The Huffington PostDate- December 3, 2015 The global average surface temperature in 2015 is likely to be the warmest on record and to reach the symbolic and significant milestone of 1° Celsius above the pre-industrial era, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The warning comes ahead of landmark climate talks in Paris taking place now, when world leaders are expected to agree on measures to stop temperatures rising beyon...

The New BRICS Bank Should Be Green and Focus on Poverty

Last Updated : 10th October, 2016

Author- Professor Muhammad Yunus Published on- The World Post Date- July 8, 2015 At their annual summit in Russia in July this week, BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) leaders will announce the world’s newest multilateral development bank — the New Development Bank — which will have U.S. $100 billion as initial capital to fund infrastructure and sustainable development projects both in their own countries as well as elsewhere. Obviously, the NDB should no...

Seeding Happiness: Two Years of Social Business in Albania

Last Updated : 10th October, 2016

Author- Professor Muhammad Yunus Published on- The Huffington Post Date- December 9, 2014 A few months ago I wrote about young people setting up small businesses in Bangladesh, and how we are helping them. We have learned a lot so far and we have planted many exciting seeds. Today, I would like to tell you more about the same efforts of planting seeds in Albania, where we are helping entrepreneurs develop their social businesses. Albania is a small country on the Mediterranean Sea, across...

Using a Business Approach to Plant Trees and Create Jobs for Haitian Farmers

Last Updated : 10th October, 2016

Author- Professor Muhammad Yunus & Saskia Bruysten Published on- The Huffington Post (US) Date- June 24, 2014 Our society tends to think about business as the enemy of the environment and of trees. It’s no wonder, given the things businesses have done. It’s very easy to blame them for all the things wrong with the world. It happens because most of the time we use business to make as much money as we can, forgetting about the damages they do to the planet and to people. Howe...

"We Are Not Job-Seekers, We Are Job-Creators"-- Turning Unemployment into Entrepreneurship

Last Updated : 10th October, 2016

Author- Professor Muhammad Yunus Published on- The Huffington Post (US) Date- May 26, 2014 Since I launched the idea of microcredit in 1976, I have created many other businesses to help poor people help themselves. These experiences were summed up in the concept of social business, problem-solving companies without taking personal dividends beyond the investment money — a new form of capitalism designed to solve social problem around the world. Application of social business concep...

Why Businesses Need to Reshape Society

Last Updated : 10th October, 2016

Author- Professor Muhammad Yunus Published on- The Huffington Post (US) Date- November 15, 2013 The current economic and financial crisis makes it very clear that the system that we have is not sustainable, and thus it is the right time for us to change the ways we do business and build them in a new way. By simply capitalizing on core strengths and knowledge, companies and entrepreneurs can engage in an emerging business model that will enable them to create - and demonstrate - real, su...

Social Business and the Pursuit of Happiness

Last Updated : 10th October, 2016

Author- Professor Muhammad Yunus Published on- The Huffington Post (US) Date- November 10, 2013 The global capitalist system today is driven by the notion that people are selfish and are solely motivated by the need for profit maximization. It makes the assumption that if each individual person pursues that goal, then the world overall will be a better place. We have seen that is not true. Neither are people all happier through maximizing profits, nor are the problems of the world solved....

Access to Quality Education

Last Updated : 10th October, 2016

Author- Professor Muhammad Yunus Published on- The Huffington Post Date- September 26, 2013 Access to quality education has enabled me to reach far beyond the Bangladeshi village I grew up in. I was born in 1940 in Hathazari, Chittagong, which is now part of Bangladesh. Education was always important to my parents and with what little we had they were able to provide an education for their children. After completing Bachelor and Master Degrees at Dhaka University, I went on to complete a...

The Nation Will Not Let Grameen Bank Be Snatched Away From Poor Women

Last Updated : 10th October, 2016

Author- Professor Muhammad Yunus Published on- The World Post Date- June 20, 2013 The recommendations made by the Grameen Bank commission are not worthy of serious consideration The Grameen Bank Commission is going to organize a workshop at BIAM Auditorium on July 2 to discuss its recommendations for legal changes to the Grameen Bank structure. It has been announced that Finance Minister Mr AMA Muhith will deliver his valuable comments about his experience in this regard. There will be ...

Savar Tragedy, Garments Industry and Bangladesh

Last Updated : 10th October, 2016

Author- Professor Muhammad Yunus Published on- The World Post Date- April 9, 2013 Savar tragedy is a symbol of our failure as a nation. The crack in Rana Plaza that caused the collapse of the building has only shown us that if we don’t face up to the cracks in our state systems, that we as a nation will get lost in the debris of the collapse. Today the souls of those who lost their lives in Rana Plaza are watching what we are doing and listening to what we say. The last breath of t...

Rohingya: Testing Democracy in Myanmar

Last Updated : 10th October, 2016

Author- Professor Muhammad Yunus & Jose Ramos-Horta Published on- The World Post Date- February 20, 2013 One of the fundamental challenges of a democracy is how to ensure the voice of the majority does not trample the essential rights of the minority. In the founding of the United States this was addressed by the Bill of Rights, some form of which is integrated into most democracies today. Even as we applaud and rejoice in the new freedoms enjoyed by the Myanmar people, the country&rs...

How We Can Bring About Change

Last Updated : 10th October, 2016

Author- Professor Muhammad Yunus Published on- The Huffington Post (US) Date- November 3, 2013 The current financial crisis makes it very clear that our current financial system is not sustainable. This is the opportune time to re-imagine and re-design it using a new set of objectives. The global financial crisis has demonstrated serious shortcomings with our banking system. It has converted the marketplace into a casino. It’s no longer business; it’s outright gambling, exces...

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