8th Social Business Day

28-29 June, 2018 Infosys Campus, Electronic City, Bengaluru, India


Date: 28th June, 2018 | Start Time:11:20

Opening Plenary: A World of Three Zeros

This plenary session will confer on the possible methods of achieving and implementing the “Three Zeros” goals of zero poverty, zero unemployment, and zero net carbon emission.

Economically, socially, and environmentally the current world economy is not sustainable. If we continue on this path, it will lead to further wealth inequality, unemployment, and environmental destruction. It is high time that we adopt a new economic system, which harnesses the selfless, entrepreneurial side of human beings. We believe social business, a non-dividend company to solve human problems, will help in creating such a system. We have to inspire people, particularly the youth, to create businesses, not for profit maximization, but rather, with the goal of doing social good.

This panel will discuss and come up with potential tools and techniques to help achieve the objectives of “Three Zeros” and discuss social business initiatives around the world to overcome the limitations of the existing economic structure. The panel will focus on discussing the methods with which to achieve "Three Zeros" giving examples of B-Corp companies, cooperatives, NGOs, religious institutions, CSR, Foundations, Trusts, international initiatives, Govt actions, taxes, restrictions, incentives, Govt programs, etc.


Date: 28th June, 2018 | Start Time:17:25

Plenary:  Science and technology for Social Business

This panel will focus on how social businesses can be made powerful through application of science and technology. Using innovative approaches to tackle social problems has always been a key objective for social entrepreneurs and technology and science, which is inherently innovative, will continue to play a significant role in building and improving social businesses. 

Technology is a blessing, as well as a curse. Instead of reaching three zeros, technology can do the opposite, making sure of producing massive unemployment through artificial intelligence, creating massive poverty by concentrating in production without human involvements, producing technology like plastic to worsen the condition of the planet.

We need to find a way to protect human beings and the planet from the destructive curse of technology.

The speakers of this panel will explore the possibilities of the development of socially driven technology in place of developing greed and military driven technology.


Date: 28th June, 2018 | Start Time:18:10

Plenary: Past and Future of Microfinance as Social Business

This panel will feature global microfinance leaders, who will address the ongoing emergence of microfinance and social business. Microfinance provides a path for the poor to grow out of poverty by taking small loans. Microfinance promotes entrepreneurship and empowers both women and men.

It is observed that Microfinance has faced a huge mission-drift initiated by a group of enthusiast who took this as an opportunity to make personal profit in a big way. Yunus has been encouraging everybody to classify Microfinance into “right” microfinance and “wrong” microfinance, applauding the “right” one and condemning the “wrong” one.

“Right” microfinance or Social microfinance is now hailed as one of the most cost effective and efficient tools to combat poverty. It is also considered one of the best tools for the empowerment of social groups that are traditionally kept outside the “classical” economic and financial markets. After the life changing impact of Grameen bank on its nine million borrowers, and 100,000 borrowers of Grameen America and a number of NGOs around the world it is time to focus on social microfinance.

This session will discuss on the importance of refocusing efforts to adhere to the original mission, which has been well established by Grameen Bank. It will shed light on the impacts, challenges, and the future of microfinance and social business.


Date: 29th June, 2018 | Start Time:09:00

Plenary: Corporates in Social Business

This plenary is designed to discuss the present and future of corporate action tanks. Discussions will cover ways that large corporations can create social businesses to tackle social issues.

Large corporations have the capacity to make a profound positive impact on society by contributing to and facilitating the goals of Three Zeroes.Corporates can bring socially conscious thinking to their everyday business decisions. This is a much easier option than to create a completely separate business entity fully devoted to social objectives only, taking out all considerations of making any financial gain. This freedom suddenly makes the corporates a very powerful actor on the stage of social transformation.

The session will cover how corporate action tanks are successfully drawing corporates into the world of social business. They will also discuss the hurdles, which stand before the corporates to join the social business even though they are interested to do so and what actions and decisions are necessary to make it easy for corporates to join the social business movement.


Date: 29th June, 2018 | Start Time:10:15

Plenary: Converting Unemployment into Entrepreneurship

In this session, the panel will explore the possibilities of turning unemployment into entrepreneurship. The panelists present have always been dedicated to achieving this goal with the support of their own long field experiences. The discussion will focus on the need for a shift in orientation from being job seekers to becoming entrepreneurs. The Panelists have had experience turning the unemployed into entrepreneurs. It is much easier to create entrepreneurs than creating jobs for the unemployed, which depends on many external forces working together. Entrepreneurship is a direct procedure. Simple assumption behind this is that people are natural entrepreneurs. If they can find the capital in a friendly way, they can transform themselves into entrepreneurs. This is an extension of the theory behind microfinance — a small capital can transform a village woman into an entrepreneur.

The Nobin Program in Bangladesh showcases this perspective. The theory behind this can be challenged. Audiences usually ask the question “How do you know everyone is an entrepreneur? Aren’t you barking up the wrong tree?”

We hope this panel will be challenged to argue their case both theoretically and practically.


Date: 29th June, 2018 | Start Time:13:30

Plenary: Social Business and Sports

In this segment, the relationship between sports and social business will be explored. Discussions will take place on how they can work together to bring about social changes and improve the lives of the poor. Social businesses may benefit from celebrity endorsements and celebrity involvements in social business. This will attract the attention of the youth. The influence of celebrity endorsements is limitless and can have a great impact.

Even sports have their own internal social problems. The Panel may discuss the varieties of these serious human problems and how social business can address them. The panelists are encouraged to share their own experiences in this case. They may highlight how sports clubs, associations, federation can play a role in transforming sports world, and in the process, the whole society.
